June 17, 2021
Live! Casino in Philadelphia surprises local nonprofit with $2,000 donation
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- An organization founded in honor of a father and homeless veteran who passed away received a massive donation.
Abby Anderson began Salvation of Sorrows in 2016 to help those in need with food, first aid, hair cuts, and more.
Abby Anderson began Salvation of Sorrows in 2016 to help those in need with food, first aid, hair cuts, and more.
With Father's day around the corner, Live! Casino in Philadelphia surprised Anderson with a donation to help expand her mission.
Live! Casino in Philadelphia purchased $2,000 worth of items off of Salvation of Sorrows' Amazon wish list.
The donation included food, medical kits, blankets, gift cards, and t-shirts.
Anderson was emotional when she heard the news.
Anderson says her goal for the future is to one day have a building where they can provide more services like finding homes for veterans in need.
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