Broad Coalition Forms Grassroots Effort Urging a Vote FOR Question A
ANNAPOLIS, MD – August 26, 2010 – Demonstrating its broad community support, the campaign committee Jobs and Revenue for Anne Arundel County formally launched its campaign in support of a vote FOR Question A on the November Anne Arundel County ballot. Jobs and Revenue for Anne Arundel County is a coalition of Anne Arundel County citizens, parents, community organizations, police and fire unions, local business owners, Chambers of Commerce, Arundel Mills VLT Licensee Power Plant Entertainment, horse industry leaders and taxpayer advocates who support the building of a world class gaming and entertainment facility in the Arundel Mills Commercial District to fund education, public safety and infrastructure needs in Maryland and Anne Arundel County.
Question A will determine whether zoning to permit slots in Anne Arundel County will be upheld. If Question A fails to pass, slots will not be allowed anywhere in Anne Arundel County. If Question A passes, 4,000 local jobs will be created immediately, $400 million in annual revenue for Maryland schools will be generated and $30 million in annual revenue will become available to boost Anne Arundel County’s budget for police, fire, seniors services and infrastructure and other critical County needs.
“Anne Arundel County voted overwhelmingly for slots in 2008 because of the jobs and revenue it promises for our schools and our County,” said Todd Lamb, Campaign Manager for the Committee. “Our broad spectrum of support boldly underscores how important creating jobs, revenue and opportunities are for Anne Arundel County families, businesses, public safety workers, teachers, seniors and our children. The choice is now or never for slots in Anne Arundel County.”
"The Anne Arundel County Fraternal Order of Police believes the Arundel Mills Commercial District is the ideal location for a world-class gaming and entertainment facility," stated Corporal O'Brien Atkinson, President of the AACo FOP. "Contrary to misleading advertising of slots opponents in the County, slots will not be located inside the Mall, but rather in a free-standing, secure structure with entry only available to persons over the age of 21. The Arundel Mills facility will generate a substantial source of much needed revenue to the County, to provide critical funds for public safety. We are urging Anne Arundel County citizens to join our police officers and Vote FOR Question A this November."
These sentiments were further stressed by Craig Oldershaw, President of the Anne Arundel County Professional Fire Fighter's Union. "The firefighters of Anne Arundel County are proud to join the broad coalition of supporters in favor of a "FOR" vote for Question A this November. We look forward to helping our coalition partners inform our citizens about the importance of keeping essential public safety funding right here in Anne Arundel County."
Jobs and Revenue for Anne Arundel County will counter the massive misinformation campaign funded by out-of-state companies trying to protect gaming revenues in Charles Town, West Virginia. “We will mount a vigorous information effort, including, with the help of our grassroots army and coalition partners, going door to door, neighbor to neighbor, and group to group to ensure County residents understand what’s at stake on this ballot question," added Lamb.
By the end of this campaign, voters will understand: (1) the choice at the ballot this November is for or against slots ANYWHERE in Anne Arundel County; (2) Arundel Mills has less residents living around it than any other comparable commercial site, including Laurel [Laurel has 3 times the population within a 2-mile radius compared to Arundel Mills]; (3) The Arundel Mills slots facility will be in a separate, free-standing structure with access controlled to persons 21 years of age and older. Slots will not be located inside the Mall and not accessible or visible to children; (4) The Arundel Mills slots facility will improve security, property values and traffic flow in and around the Arundel Mills Commercial District; and (5) The Arundel Mills slots facility will generate more revenue and jobs for Maryland and Anne Arundel County than any other comparable commercial site in Anne Arundel County [for instance, by Law, AA County would share revenues from a slots facility at Laurel with Howard and Prince Georges County].
In conjunction with the coalition’s announcement, the group debuted their website: where County residents can find detailed accurate information on the campaign committee and the slots issue in Anne Arundel County.