April 01, 2011

The Daily Record Honors David Cordish in their First-Ever "Circle of Influence"

The Daily Record is proud to present its fifth annual list of Influential Marylanders.

Since 2007, our reporters and editors have combed nine key segments of the state’s economy each year for people not in elective office who make contributions of great impact and significance.

This is the first year that anyone could have been named an Influential Maryland for the third time. David Cordish has claimed that honor and become (one of) the first members of the Circle of Influence.

Cordish has continued as a bold, successful developer here and elsewhere even through the Great Recession. Most recently he bid successfully for the right to build a slot machine casino near the Arundel Mills Mall, then conducted a winning political campaign, even going door-to-door himself, to defeat a referendum that would have derailed the facility.

We salute all of our 2011 Influential Marylanders, but especially David Cordish. It is a privilege to present this list and to honor these people. As always, we hope our choices stimulate awareness not only of these individuals and their contributions but also of the many deserving Marylanders who did not make this list but who are influential in so many ways.




As chairman of The Cordish Cos., David Cordish focuses on strategy and long-term planning, but also spends a great deal of his time delving into the nitty-gritty details.

Cordish oversees projects falling into one of three major corporate divisions — real estate development, which lists redevelopment of Baltimore’s Power Plant Live and Atlantic City’s The Walk as recent significant undertakings; gaming, with current focus on development of the third-largest casino in North America, slated to open in spring 2012 at Arundel Mills; and Entertainment Concepts Incorporated (ECI), which includes development of restaurants, bars, performance arenas and other venues for entertainment throughout the country.

While Cordish said he was honored to be recognized as a 2012 Influential Marylander, he stressed that the award also reflects the dedication of his team members, who work tirelessly to ensure each project contracted by The Cordish Cos. is planned, managed and completed with the highest degree of quality and professionalism. More than 10,000 people — including Cordish’s sons, Jonathan, Blake and Reed — are employed by the company, which is based in Baltimore and maintains six satellite locations throughout the <st1:country-region>U.S.</st1:country-region> and <st1:country-region>Canada</st1:country-region>. Founded in 1910, the company has operated for four generations through privately-held, family ownership.

"We sweat the details. The people who are involved with long-term forecasting and planning are the same people who focus on making sure the valet parking plan makes sense. We are real estate developers that are focused on finding solutions."

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