July 05, 2007

Two more entertainment venues headed to Power & Light


The Cordish Co. has announced two more tenants for the Kansas City Power & Light District. Flying Saucer Draught Emporium will feature 225 hand-crafted quality beers from more than 15 countries, with 80 beers on tap, and about 150 different bottled beers from around the world.

The Dallas-based company has 11 locations in Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, and the Carolinas, and is currently building its 12th operation in Austin. The operations get their names from the collectible plates lining the walls and ceilings.

The company hopes to open in early 2008 at 13th and Walnut streets.

“Kansas City is a romantic city from an old west standpoint — the cattle went through Texas before Kansas City — from a musical standpoint, and it has a colorful past,” said Shannon Wynne, founder and owner of Flying Saucer Draught Emporium.

Angel’s Rock Bar will feature live and recorded music for a combination club venue/neighborhood pub. It will have different areas where customers can “rock out”

or sit back in stadium style plush booths overlooking the action. The 4,000-square-foot club will be on the second level, in the 1300 block of Walnut Street. An opening date has not been announced.

There are also locations in Houston, Texas, and Louisville, Kentucky. The Kansas City Power & Light District is an $850 million, mixed-use development under construction in downtown Kansas City.

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